Who is CN VoiceOvers ? Besoin d'un narrateur completement Bilingue?

Claudio Napoleoni founded
CN VoiceOvers,
a professional Voice Over Talent recording service bringing complete bilingualism and over 15 years of radio broadcasting, narrations and Marketing experience to the table.

Claudio Napoleoni est un narrateur Francophone et Anglophone a la fois (voix hors champ ou voix-off, comme ont dit). Connu sur le nom de CN Voiceovers, il est un talent de voix hors champs complètement bilingue (sans aucun accent) utilisé pour les pubs, promos, narations coportaive, documentaire et l'habillage radio.

Claudio has worked, as a voice overt artist, with giants such as Chrysler, Montreal Auto Prix, Penske, NASA, Canadian Space Agency, Polaris ATV, SUBWAY and many more. Aparts from his Marketing background, Claudio has gained his experience early in college while re-vamping the campus radio station. hosting various radio shows, being in charge of programing & more. The radio and voice carreer truly took off in the early 90's as NETRadio hired claudio for promotions, sales and marketing. Of course, he could not give up his radio host job, so he did that too!

Radio ads and station Imaging followed naturally...

My voice is quite versatile and being a bilingual male from Montreal I was, and still am, happy to satisfy many National campaigns as well as corporate documentaries for American companies such as the one about ''Winnebago Story''. My voice over service is aimed at anyone having a professional project, from corporate presentation, documentary narration, radio & television imaging, ads, promos, advisments or product presentation demos, gaming, and e-learning. We work with advertising agencies, producers, individuals, marketing directors and company COOs. Professional Broadcast voice over audio files delivered to the way they were meant to be communicated. The main voices offered are one of: Male, Middle-Aged, senior as well as "guy-next-door. Sincere, caring, believable, charming, technical, and dramatic moods are conveyed.

Voice delivery: Poised, confident, credible, collected, caring, concerned, calm or more energetic (like a radio show host), hard sell and Urgent and Military-type hard nose.

Accents: Other than standard Canadian and American English, I offer the stardard French Canadian as well as (Quebecois). I also have a few accents I enjoy conveying; Southern American, British English, European French, also European French speaking English.

Characters: Over the years some characters have stayed with me more than others and I always find great to perform. If you are looking for a Drill Sergeant, Chinese wise man or a Villain laughter...

Range of Projects: Narrations, corporate presentations radio and television ads, training videos and product launches as well as branding segments, voice drops and cartoon characters.

Capabilities: Writing the copy (script). Translation of scripts from English to French as well as translating marketing ads from French to English, producing voice overs, adding some sound effects.

Delivery Foramts: Wav, MP3, Mpeg, and many others through email, USB key, Cd and DVD hard copies.

"A Voice Talent must be true to himself first and foremost, truly knowing his capabilities is ensuring client satisfaction through his outstanding work" this is...years of knowledge summed up in what CN Voice Overs is all about!

Take the time to listen to the clips posted here... Perhaps you would like to request a personal audition (demo) to ensure that the voice matches your project...Well you can do that as well !! JUST ASK! Send us an email script (not too long please)... It will be a pleasure to supply you with a private sample!

QTQ what is sound ?

How can sound be explained?

Claudio Napoleoni from CN VoiceOvers narrates this mini-documentary 
capsule for Quarks to Quasars.

Find out interesting facts about what SOUND really is !

For more information about Claudio Napoleoni's voice over styles 

Rocket de Laval Cérémonies Tapis Rouge du 6 octobre 2017

Match inaugurale Du Rocket de Laval le6 Octobre 2017 a La PlaceBell !

Claudio Napoleoni - La voix officiel du Rocket  ( Annonceur Maison)
www.claudiovoiceovers.com   or www.cnvoiceovers.ca

Spordle App

Much more than a Sports APP!
This app allows you to schedule games, practices, figure out who's coming, fund raise etc...
SPORDLE   for sports.... Amateurs or Pros!
Used by the AHL

PS  Claudio Napoleoni is the voiceover talent used in this video
Cette vidéo comprends La voix hors-champs du narrateur bilingue Claudio Napoleoni.

La Voix officiel (annonceur Maison) du Rocket de Laval

Grande vente Halloween Trois Mousquetaire Voitures

 Narrateur Claudio Napoleoni-  Narrateur parfaitement bilingue avec sa grosse 
voix pour l'halloween!
Concessionnaire auto Formule ( les trois mousquetaires) de Rimouski

Vous avez besoin d'un narrateur , d'une voix hors-champs 
pour vos publicités radio télé ou web ?

Pensez à Claudio Napoleoni de CN Voiceovers   438-395-3421

Need a voiceover talent for your french-Canadian TV, Radio or web ads ?
Think Claudio Napoleoni from CN Voiceovers 

DIY SPRAYSTONE - House exterior stone-look covering

Give your house a makeover with SprayStone!  choose the color you like and add several tones to embellish and modernize your home's exterior !

Voiceover : Claudio Napoleoni from CN Voiceovers

Need a narrator / voiceover for your project?

Bâtiment Global International

Voice Over Talent in Montreal

As my voice cracked mid-sentence as a kid,  I never thought I would be making a living using my voice. I certainly was not a singer !   I did try to sing in a band...but I digress.
I knew however that I loved to imitate my favorite cartoon characters, AND I knew I wanted to become a broadcaster.
Well, with  all the right courses throughout my career... and no thanks to the school guidance counselors...

I forged my way into producing radio shows and eventually becoming an on-air personality as well!

Living in Montreal helped my get a perfectly bilingual education and hone my skills with several accents, dialect and ....dare i say it ... faux pas! (missteps).

But that is what makes up experience, polishing our skills, carving out bad habits etc... With more specialized training in voice work, acting classes, some theater volunteering...it all seemed to make sense!

When I am asked, what was the decisive moment that triggered my love for voice overs... I have to say, watching The TRANSFORMERS cartoons a s kid!

Since becoming a professional voice talent in Montreal, I have supplied countless voice over jobs throughout the world!  Working with studios and artists, comedians, actors and sound engineers that are out of this world !  I would not trade this profession for any other !

The commitment to do this job on a full-time basis was not easy. It took the right guidance from folks like Harland Hogan... courses, workshops, and so much more from the likes of producer / casting director Deb Munro, endless hours or reading books and articles about voice overs (which were not easy to come by pre-internet, you know !)

Among many others, I have been fortunate to voice jobs for Reebok, Ray-Ban, RBC, Disney, EB Games, Toyo Tires, Lasik, Rockwell, Breast Cancer Society, Amarula, Just for Laughs, Mazda, Expedia, Permacon, Tostitos, Hoover... and to be associated with great sports teams like the USL Cometes, The Montreal Impact SC and more recently, the Laval Rocket an AHL Hockey team owned and operated by the Montreal Canadiens !  (See and hear more here)

All this to say, its absolutely TRUE!

I owe my great career to many events gone right and wrong, lots of hard work... but mostly understanding the market (as an entrepreneur) and always keeping an ear to the ground ....with a leg up ready to cross the road for the next gig!

PS :  Would I scare anyone if I told you, auditions were ALL held in studios and in person back then !

In a sense ...Its much easier now,  but the competition grows every day.  So take the time to invest on yourself, your skills and your business sense, before buying a mic and creating a website!



Pond Hockey leads to great achievements

Playing pond hockey is something all Canadians have done.... and are still actively doing !
When ice is not available, this translate to shinny! The game of hockey is so well versed in Canada that many Canadians (me included) take advantage of any family reunion, friends gathering to get out there and poke the stick at a ball or puck.. well,   with some degree of skill or other!

Perhaps we are inspired by the many other Canadians that  have come before us. Teaching us patience, hand-eye coordination, skill and determination.  Whatever the reason we love this sport so much, we tend to look up to those who have shared this common ground with us... Those who have not only lived the dream of playing in the BIG league... but have also contributed to our national sport... in more ways than we can shake a stick at (pun intended!)

Among those, are some great hockey heroes whose names are engraved on the Stanley Cup and who's numbers' hang high atop the raster at major rinks! But some of those Hockey heroes are also behind the limelight. Their passion and determination shine brighter than any light! They are the ones that are implicated at the local levels, those who aspire to making their communities something great through the passion for our national sport.

Ken Williams is one of those people. He shares his 32-year hockey career with all of us, but also has a special kinship with Newfoundland & Labrador.

His hard work, valuable insight and contributions, coupled with a myriad of fantastic decisions have made him a great ambassador to the game in Canada!

Take the time to watch this video to understand why Hockey Canada is so proud of Ken Williams and why, we as Canadians are too !

I was especially proud to have contributed my voice for the narration of this video !

Claudio Napoleoni dans le journal Metro

Les amateurs de hockey ainsi que le Rocket de Laval ont opté pour 

Claudio Napoleoni sera la voix du Rocket de Laval

Claudio Napoleoni pour être l’annonceur maison des matchs de la nouvelle formation de la Ligue américaine de hockey (LAH), à la Place Bell.
Plus de 5000 personnes ont voté pour lui. Il annoncera donc les buts et les pénalités du club-école des Canadiens et de leurs visiteurs dès le 6 octobre, jour du match inaugural.
«J’ai toujours cru en mes chances même si je n’ai pas un grand réseau de contacts, lance humblement le vainqueur du concours dans une entrevue accordée à TC Media. J’avais une stratégie et je me suis donné à fond dans cette aventure en faisant du porte à porte.

«J’étais dans la piscine quand Vincent Lucier, président de la Place Bell, m’a annoncé la bonne nouvelle, enchaîne-t-il. Lors de son appel téléphonique, il ne me l’a pas dit immédiatement que j’avais gagné. Quand il m’a signifié d’être prêt le 6 octobre, je ne touchais plus au fond de la piscine.»
Michel Lacroix, la voix du Tricolore, a remis un chandail du Rocket au gagnant avant de se diriger derrière le banc des pénalités et signer l’entente d’une saison, le 13 juin.
Un beau défiComment envisage-t-il sa première journée à son poste d’annonceur? «J’aurai beaucoup de sueur sous les bras», admet-il avec humour. Ce sera un challenge extraordinaire. Je suis très bien encadré et je souhaite apporter une belle énergie.»
Il y a une dizaine d’années, Claudio avait rencontré Michel Lacroix au Centre Bell lors d’une journée avec les enfants et les joueurs des Canadiens de Montréal. Il lui avait alors dit sans prétention qu’il aimerait un jour avoir le poste d’annonceur des Canadiens. «Il a dit qu’il me le souhaitait. Ce que j’ai retenu de notre conversation, c’est qu’il a insisté sur le fait d’avoir du plaisir. C’est ce que je vais faire à la barre du Rocket.»
Candidat numéro 9
Claudio avait le numéro 9 parmi les candidats, soit celui de Maurice Richard. Est-ce que cela lui a porté chance? «Je pense que oui. Le numéro 9 était sans doute un numéro de prédilection.»
Plus de 300 personnes avaient posé leur candidature, alors que quatre finalistes ont été retenus. Outre le gagnant, Guy Aubry, Charles-Étienne Auger et Frédéric Abaji étaient les autres finalistes. Michel Lacroix a passé les auditions au quatuor, qui devait annoncer un but et le choix des trois étoiles.
Des Comètes au RocketClaudio est une figure connue à Laval. De 2013 à 2015, il a été la voix de la formation féminine semi-professionnelle des Comètes de Laval, de la W-League, au Complexe sportif Bois-de-Boulogne.
L’homme de 47 ans de Duvernay fait partie de la Chambre de commerce de Laval. Il a créé son entreprise de Voice Over. «Je pense que ma polyvalence dans les voix a plu au Rocket.»
Il rêve aux JONarrateur de profession, il croit que de présenter sa candidature pour ce poste est un parcours essentiel pour arriver à réaliser son rêve devenir annonceur aux Jeux olympiques.
«J’ai plusieurs rêves, mais celui d’être annonceur pour le Rocket est devenu une réalité.»
À sa retraite, il envisage de prêter sa voix aux Jeux olympiques. Il aimerait annoncer les parties de hockey luge. «Ça me fascine ce sport», termine-t-il.


The votes are in and tallied !

Thanks to all of you who participated and voted !

 I made it from 300 to 9 and then to 4 !  Now I was officially welcomed into the Canadiens' organisation by none other than #MichelLacroix as the PA announcer for the #AHL #LAVALROCKET!

I am Sooooo Proud !  

Congrats to all the participants and the finalists as well !

See you all on October 6th for the First game of the 2017-2018 season.

Le choix du publique déterminera la voix Officiel du Rocket de Laval

Eh oui c'est par un concours a vote populaire que ce decidera l'embauche de la nouvelle voix du Rocket.  
Faits Saillants: 
300 participants: 
Réduit a 9 candidats:  
en date su 5 Juin.. ils ne sont que 4 Finalistes et j'en suis un!
WOOOHOO  ... le rêve est prôche!

Cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous pour passer a l'histoire ...et votez pour moi !

Claudio Napoleoni apprécie votre vote!
La Prochaine voix du Rocket de Laval- Votre VOTE compte!

En savoir plus sur Claudio Napoleoni   :  www.claudiovoiceovers.com

The Laval Rocket searches for its PA Voice Announcer - La Voix- Annonceur du LavalRocket

I NEED your help in voting me into my DREAM JOB!

One of my dreams is to make it to the Olympics as an announcer… and trust me I have my sights on it!

In order to get to the end goal, I have the opportunity to be the home PA Announcer for the Laval Rockets, ( NHL’s Montreal  Canadiens farm team) !!

There were over 300 initial candidates in the process….We are now down to the final 10!

I need your help in obtaining as many votes as possible to carry me through the next round of 4 candidates ( the final round) where I will ask for your vote once again!

I would be very grateful to you AND you will have the pride of knowing you help a fellow contact get closer to his dreams…. ONE DREAM at a time!

Please vote for me at--- Candidate NUMBER 9  ( Claudio Napoleoni)  by visiting 

J’ai besoin de votre aide !  VOTEZ POUR MOI SVP !!     Le Candidat # 9 
Du 22 -26 mai Seulement!

Un de mes rêves est d’être la voix officielle aux Olympiques mondiaux. Pour m’y rendre, il y a, bien sûr,  quelques échelons à parcourir … et je suis dédier a y arriver.

Je suis UN des heureux candidats du concours la voix officiel du club de Hockey ROCKET de LAVAL ( le club école du Canadiens de Montréal.

Nous étions plus de 300 candidates inscrits au début du concours, nous sommes maintenant que 10 candidats retenus !

Ceci est le premier de 2 votes publiques afin de déterminer le Gagnant Finale!
J’aimerai vous demander votre aide afin de m’aider  à atteindre mon but en votant pour le Candidat  numéro 9

SVP Votez pour moi  et inciter vos connaissances à faire de même!

 Je vous serez très reconnaissant… ET vous aurez participé au parcourt d’un échelon de mon rêve.
Cool non !?  

pour le Concours de  La Voix du Rocket de Laval. http://www.rocketlaval.com/en/candidates-voix-rocket/

Hockey Ambassadors - Ambassadeur du Hockey a 91 ANS!

Hockey Canada nous offre des histoires inspirantes!   Je suis fiers de participer aux productions vidéo réalisées Hockey Canada.

Voici l'histoire de Mike Campbell Joueur de Hockey a 91 ans !

Si la vidéo ne demarre pas.... suivez ce lien


Narration:  Claudio Napoleoni de Cn Voiceovers


Claudio Napoleoni from CN VoiceOvers voices the Promo for Floyd Memory' s next Maritime concert in October 2017

Claudio Napoleoni - 2017 GOLD MUSE AWARD Winner for Narration

                                                                                                                        March 20th, 2017

CN VoiceOvers - Narrateur bilingue / bilingual voice over and Narrator

Contact: Claudio Napoleoni                                                                                                
(Firm Name) CN Voice Overs
(E-Mail)  Claudio@cnvoiceovers.ca
(Phone) 438-395-3421

CN Voice Overs Wins 2017 Muse Creative Awards

Laval, Quebec, Canada, March 20, 2017 Muse Creative Awards is
 proud to announce that Claudio Napoleoni / CN VoiceOvers has won a Gold recognition 
in the 2017 Muse Creative Awards competition. The winning work was created by 
Nadon Vision for Parc Omega. With over 1,500 submissions from 35 countries worldwide, this is truly a great honor.

Narration for The Seven Fires Totem mini-documentary

The Muse Creative Awards is an international annual competition for creative professionals who inspire through concept, writing or design, whether through traditional or electronic media. “We wish to recognize the singular achievements of small and medium-sized firms, and the creative professionals who represent the heart and soul of the global marketing communications industry,” said Kenjo Ong, co-managing director for the Muse Creative Awards. “(Artist Name’s) accomplishment illustrates their creativity, skill, passion, and dedication to their artworks and serves as an inspiration to great

Being nominated was quite amazing to me, but actually being recognized by my peers on a worldwide scale just brought out an incredible feeling of pride. It is an honor that I will hold dear to my heart for a very long time. – Claudio Napoleoni

Muse Creative Awards is administered and judged by International Awards Associates (IAA) and a carefully selected, prestigious panel of internationally-recognized creative professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets competition standards for excellence.

Grand Jury Panel
This year’s Jury Panel includes 47 renowned, experienced, and brand new Judges from 19 countries worldwide. Judges hail from leading companies in the creative industry from all corners of the globe, and include professionals from such power brands as Guinness World Records, Grayling, Ogilvy & Mather, Grey, etc.

The 2017 Muse Creative Awards Grand Jury Panel is composed of:
A Panel of judges stemming from many locations worldwide such as:
Russia, Italy, Malaysia,United Kingdom, China, United States, Germany,Brazil, India, South Korea
Ecuador, Hong Kong, Portugal, Greece, Japan, Taiwan, Qatar, Canada and Poland

Entries in all 183 categories were rated according to rigorous standards. During the blind judging process, the panelists worked to identify the most innovative and creative concepts, the strongest executions, and the highest quality in messaging. Winners were selected in a broad scope of categories, from broadcast and print to social media and emerging platforms.

Participation of International Brands
Numerous entries from international brands and top agencies from around the world were received for this year’s award program. The amount of time and passion dedicated to producing such astonishing works is truly admirable. Entries submitted by agencies for companies and brands such as Walt Disney Pictures, Samsung, McDonald's, KFC, Paypal, Herbalife, Jaguar, BMW, MINI, Grammy Awards, Sony Pictures, Macao Tourism, and Lionsgate Entertainment are among some of the winners from this year’s award.

This year's Muse Creative Awards competition’s entries hailed from 35 countries around the world: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherland, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

“Winning a Muse Creative Award is a significant career accomplishment for the recipients,” Ong said. “With vetted panelists, tough criteria, blind judging processes, and strict bylaws limiting winners, only the best entries received recognition. The creative work this year was truly outstanding and inspiring.”
Website: http://museaward.com                                                                      

About CN VoiceOvers:  Claudio Napoleoni is a 25 year veteran, Bilingual voice over talent and narrator based in Montreal, Canada. His versatility, professionalism and dedication to his craft has allowed him the latitude to work with international and local clients alike, in creating memorable Ads in both French-Canadian and Neutral English. For more information: visit   www.cnvoiceovers.ca  or  https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudionapoleoni/

Trane FR Chauffage et Climatisation

Voix hors champs du narrateur Claudio Napoleoni utilié pour cette publicité télé au Canada  (Voix-off Canadien Francais au Quebec.  Claudio Napoleoni is the voice Over talent in this French-Canadian TV ad for Trane Canada